Story Seeds

Story Concepts

Story of a man who works in a huge sprawling office complex where [thanks to automation / politics / new administration / market forces ?] over weeks and months people are laid off or quit until there are very few people working in the building. Where he used to have friends and chat with people throughout the day, he often goes days, and later weeks without seeing anyone. The story could explore the varied senses as at first he feels empowered, having survived when so few had, and even a sense of domination, then loneliness, guilt, then paranoia.

This could be exhibited in the man's reactions to seeing / hearing other people - through corridors / in the distance - at first very friendly, later more reserved, finally hostile / manic.

Could attempt a reverse chronology, beginning with a madman and following it back to sanity.


Mutually Assured Madness

The concept that only crazy people are sane - that with how insane the world is today with imminent threats around us, with rampant violence, rage, inhumanity, unnatural living - those who can rationalize and accept the status quo and lead a "normal life" are the truly insane.

We watch as politicians parse and debate minutiae all while a pile of "rogue" and hostile nations control nuclear and biological weapons capable of destroying all mankind - we see how frenzied we get at the least provocation in one tiny part of the world as madmen in major capitals do as they will manipulating economies, pitting man against man to divide and conquer.

At any time a despot in Russia or China or Pakistan or Turkey or even India [or Germany?] could secret away a warhead or two with very little accountability - the odds are there are many unaccounted for at the moment - And yet we go on with our mundane lives expecting "mutually assured destruction" to keep us safe.

[[Could relate it to the concept / theory that early man's brains were all schizophrenic to a large extent with visions / hallucinations / hearing voices and that civilization, society and urbanization led to brain evolution with those traits being relegated to the subconscious / dreams / a very small minority.

Ironically one of the leading environmental factors leading to modern schizophrenia is growing up in high population cities...]]

Idea: there is a shadow realm parallel to our reality where, between the two realities, a constant level of order vs chaos/ good vs evil is always equalized, meaning that as things get "better" in one, they get worse in the other. 

This is significant because actions one one side indirectly affect the other side automatically. 

However, there are some on both sides that can influence the other side more directly, whether wittingly or purposely or not.

There are also very few "jumpers" who can move physically or mentally to the other side.

These are generally seen as malevolent being to the local population, since they typically wreak havoc intentionally or not while trying to improve conditions on their home side.

There are also a few betrayers who fight against their own side, whether out of malice or because the have been decieved.

There is also the potential of rerouting or channeling chaos / evil to a 3rd plane or in some other way bringing balance not at the expense of the other realm.


My Neighbor's Diary - Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Life

Story of a man who gets sick of writing his own diary because each entry seems repetitive and mundane - nothing exciting ever happens and every day is the same.

One day, after speaking to and continually "peeping" or watching his neighbor through a large window and seeing / thinking what appears to be a great life, he decides instead to write an entry in his diary about his neighbor - then AS his neighbor... this soon becomes divertive, interesting and even exciting until he starts to notice a few strange things... before long he begins to act more like his neighbor and appears to attract and repel some of the same things his neighbor does... [gets caught up in a different life?]

Homage to Rear Window, Truman Show, Groundhog Day, Brian and Bryan, etc.


old idea but never written down I don't think...

Collect / gather humorous military / office / government stories and combine them in a cross between Dilbert and Catch22 - perhaps with a backdrop of the Korean / China / Russia / Japan problem or w/e.


A member of a party who carries a "gig", a staff with the thicker end (top) split in 4 and sharpened, only he keeps the tips covered with something when not using it to hunt or defend himself. His companions just assume it is a fancy walking stick or perhaps a magical / shaman staff or something until they proceed on a journey and it is put to use for multiple purposes.


The primitive / animal brain sees in images, abstractions - does not reason, but acts upon instinct - emotion - hormones.

The time between dreams and wakefulness is a time when the logical / rational brain is inhibited and the animal brain is given more free reign.

Free association - imagination - solutions - finding and following hidden paths

This can explain why creativity / ideas / inspiration comes at these times and also why memories are solidified etc.

Also, thinking and dreaming about performing certain activities (shooting free throws, doing pull ups) actually make doing them easier.


you see a man on the street / subway who keeps looking over his shoulder


"Among the three of us we exhibited all the traits of the MacDonald triad for serial killers. Danny wet the bed, Neal tortured insects and I lit my neighbor's yard on fire.


a person who becomes a source in order to spy on the person running him / her.


LIFE - story of a convicted murderer sentenced to life + 25 years who inexplicably lives to 135+ years old.


Fortuna - The concept that fortune and luck (both good and bad / kharma) tends to "pool" in some places or around some people. Example: brother of kidnapped boy becomes serial killer;


TISATAAFL - There IS such a thing as a free lunch.

The idea that with automation / technological advance, so much is produced that there is such an excess of food that much would be wasted if not consumed by people - a situation where the cost to the producer and consumer are close to nil. And that with rapid automation many are displaced and must be taken care of, which is easily paid for by the greater efficiencies of the automation itself.

One logical conclusion if this train continues very far is that much of humanity will not need to work to feed clothe or house themselves but instead choose occupations for completely different reasons. While our current economy is based on consumption, and and demand for new and better things keeps mankind producing, we are already at a point of "absolute prosperity" in much of the western world - as this becomes true for the entire rest of the world, the concept of employment and profession will change completely, as the necessity of a "livelihood" will disappear, and the mental concept of it will eventually fade away as well.

[3D Printed Meat, Stem Cell Hamburgers]


The Scarecrow / The Smoking Man / Woman. A lookout who is always seen standing outside somewhere smoking.


One of the dividing lines between good art and bad art is the sense of danger. - Scott Adams
[true for writing as well?]


The Gift Ships - A study of a Utopian "Gift" / reciprocation based economy / culture, where the biggest givers are the most esteemed. The need to reciprocate leads to the biggest givers being owed the most etc.

"I store meat in the belly of my brother."

Similar to Johnny Lingo idea etc.

(See Wikipedia: Gift Economy)

Then transfer this same idea to the digital age of open source, shareware etc.


The Inspector General - a modern day version of the Inspector General
Or a varied version with a secret representative of the king / government (alternatively the king himself) [Aragorn] travels to see what is really happening in his Kingdom.


Alias: Melchior // Malchior - Internet Philosopher to the Stars
A Youtuber that gains fame for some reason despite knowing very little about anything, but is able to pass himself off as a genius through common sense application of real-time research / google searches. Slowly the compiled research and process of debate and idea exchange transform Melchior into an actual authority with solid ideas and philosophy, though with quite different conclusions from where he began...

The story of how he is able to justify / obfuscate / transform the original views that made him famous along with his fan base and audience to believe and think in ways somewhat contradictory to their original mindset etc. [leading >> pacing]


Our competing versions of reality are not fact-based. They are based on "mind reading" and confirmation bias.


The concept of seeking stability, regularity, cookie-cutter approaches as a response to PTSD or a period of chaos. A person chooses to live in a small house in a cookie-cutter neighborhood where he has few decisions to make etc.


" advanced species can create a computer simulation with characters who believe they are real. It is far more likely we are one of the inevitable simulations than the original species."

[simulation theory]

How is this substantially different than the concept of life being a test with an immortal "spirit" gaining a "corporeal" form with which to experience "good / evil, pleasure / pain, happiness / misery" etc.?


"One person’s legitimate news is another person’s conspiracy theory." Scott Adams


"The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it strictly." Abraham Lincoln


WHat holds people back is not knowing what's possible. Once they see the impossible become possible, everything changes. (Bannister, the Moon Landing, Trump, Outside the Box thinking etc.)


"I'm not an atheist per se. I just believe that none of us is very good at understanding our reality." Scott Adams


Idea: A character / alien / sociopath who visits humanity / a particular (gifting?) culture and is completely unaffected / unhindered / unbound by the various "triggers" of behavior (Cialdini's INfluence) such as reciprocation, compromise etc. At first he / she is able to take advantage by accepting gifts while feeling no obligation to reciprocate, but eventually further exploits by GIVING gifts designed to gain highly unequal reciprocation.


Idea: Instead of / in addition to having people "choose your own adventure" for my stories, have people write their own next piece of the adventure to get "buy-in" and have people vote to choose which one(s) make it.

Also could create an online writing group where our submissions are anonymous and we vote for what we like the best each week / month etc.


The Law of Sacrifice - Story of a boy / girl who makes up their own (with friends?) fake Fraternity / Sorority / Secret Society? (and effectively advertises th;e secret nature of it to the satisfaction of others) in order to avoid the deprivations of Hell Week or other such indignities / ostracism. Explore how the more harsh the punishments / initiations / sacrifice / deprivations / degradations, the more devoted the adherents, and completely blinded to faults etc.

(The premise for the "new" society could be that they are "resurrecting" or simply continuation of an older defunct / banned society, claiming it had simply gone underground etc.


Explore the Social Proof trend of more fatal "accidents" following well publicized suicides, including more single person fatalities following solitary suicide and more multi-person fatalities following murder-suicides... aka "The Werther Effect."

Could have it offhand in a story where there is a news report of a famous person's suicide that is portentous of some following calamity...

Opening line. "The King was Dead." or "Victor Kane was dead. Suicide." etc.


A comedy sketch highlighting the inanities of the 6 elements of Cialdini's "Influence". (Reciprocation, Commitment and Consistency, Social Proof etc.)


Story of an ancient army messenger deserting rather than delivering his message of defeat in battle for fear that he would be slain as a bearer of bad news. Conversely, the messenger could report victory, be wined and dined, then sneak out of town before the truth comes to light...


Verbenschlitter? [awj] - word slicing / word sliding


Phantom Islands - could write a book full of locations based on phantom island and paper towns (deliberate / accidental false map locations etc.)

Ghost words - same concept with incorporating fake words. (see abacot and kime; r ear drops)

Carjackistan, Bananastan


Mirage - story of a witch or sorceress who manipulates air / ground temperature (perhaps through natural means) to create elaborate mirages etc. (horizon / aurora effects etc.)


The story of Jezebel (and Elijah) told from Jezebel's point of view. (change names, place, time etc.?)


Jezebel's daughter


Story of an advanced race of beings and a slave class of much less advanced, but still intelligent beings where the slave class has their own government and hierarchy substructure and the thought of freedom from the master race is inconceivable to most due in large part to the strong mental control exercised by the masters and the relative state of contentment / lack of outright abuse by  the maters.

Most atrocities are committed by various factions of the slave class and the masters are content to let these things be worked out by the slaves. In the end it is (maybe) discovered that the masters are manipulating people and events to keep the slaves from uniting against them. Could also be a commentary on modern day misinformation / propaganda of governments, media, elite etc.


The Snake and the Staff


Story of an immortal woman who couples with mortals for their lifetimes, then finds another - who ends up unwittingly marrying her own son whereupon her child's grandfather is also his uncle or w/e etc... (I am my own grandpa) Could push for paradoxes as in Asimov's stories.


"You seem like a family man."
"I am."
"Then why are you here?"
"I was bored... and you're interesting."
"How long have you been... 'bored'?"
"A long time."
"So what is so interesting about me?"

"Your cunning"


"Yes. You like to watch things in motion... to Set things in motion - and then watch the balls bounce and the wheels turn."

"How very observant of you."
"I suppose it takes one to know one. Though I don't know that I'm as good at it as you are. Certainly not as practiced."

"So what wheels have I got turning now?"
"Mine, for one."
"I see... You know, you're a bit interesting yourself."
"Just a bit?"
"Just a bit."
"How so?"
"Well, for one thing, most men would have made at least one pass at me long before now."
"I'm cautious by nature."
"So you're thinking about it?"
"I didn't say that."
"So you're not thinking about making a pass at me?"
"I didn't say that either."
"I see. Very well, I shall allow you to keep me in suspense for now."


Stories of warring kingdoms based on Hen Ogledd (English Medieval Northern Kingdoms); could also use material from

fictional / true stories of the various kingdoms / chiefdoms of China / Norse etc.


Grimhilda's daughter
The War-Weaver's daugther / apprentice
The Swineherd and the Weaver /// The Weaver and the SWineherd
The Swineherd's Daughter
The last / first Soothsayer
the Ninth Sibyl, the last Oracle, the Oracle's daughter etc.
Blood Eagle (brutal form of ritual execution)

The Peace-Weaver - story of a wandering shamaness / seeress / seductress similar to the Volva, worshippers of Freyja etc.
Peace-weaver has a double meaning - 1) those married to feuding tribes to ease relations / form alliances and 2) weaving as a sort of magic that women performed when the men went to battle / council to effect the outcomes / predict the future.

Story of the shamaness who was married off to another tribe or was intended for that purpose - she becomes intimate with a number of powerful men / warriors / chiefs etc. and changes the course of events?

Male practicioners of magic were persectuted / tortured / killed for "unmanliness" / "effeminacy" / "perversion"

Story of a king's son by a witch / seeress becomes a mage, and the father is bound to have him killed, but instead fakes his death by burning alive a group of sorcerers in a house that his son was able to escape from. (the other men were already dead?) (runes / writing = magic; in this story, reading is allowed for both men and women, but writing is generally a womanly pursuit, seen as femanine and in the domain of magic)

Story of a boy who wants to practice magic and a girl who wants to be a fighter / hunter / warrior who either switch places or pretend to be the opposite sex and later discover each other etc.

The Peace-Weaver's / Weaver's apprentice such as: A girl sworn to a Peac-Weaver wants to be a warrior which traits are unseemly for a woman. The girl is a commoner who's father saved the King from injury and thereby won favor of placement of his child in the King's court in the Peace-Weaver's retinue, as the Peace-Weaver was teh Kings' favorite concubine / lover / seductress / witch.

A son of the King and the Peace-Weaver / concubine is taught early by his mother to hide his "gifts" as he nurtures them. The boy teaches the girl to fight and she soon surpasses him in skill, just as the girl teaches the boy herbalism and other arts forbidden to males and his skill soon surpasses hers.

They fantasize about switching places, but only a crisis can make their dreams a reality. (Crisis could be invasion of warrior tribes conquering more agrarian such as the Aesir vs. the VAnir etc.)

Pre-conflict the Warlike Race (Ashra / Eshera? [Asa]) conquers / assimilates the Fertile / Wise / Magical race (the Velda [Vana] but slowly adopt its culture as its own while endowing the pastoral race witha  more efficient administration leading to great but enviable prosperity which in turn leads to the future conflict in which our story is based.

(See also the battle between Devas and Asuras from Hindu mythology and the story of Sveigdior (Swegde) and Vana and their child Vanlandi who married (and abandoned) Driva, was bewitched by Huld / Grimhild's daughter, the witchwife at the beheset of Driva. Killed by a nightmare (Mara / goblin suffocating him in his sleep) Vanlandi's son Visbur was burned to death inside his hall by his own 2 sons Gisle and Ond with tthe aid of the sorceress Huld, for rejecting their mother, daughter of Aude the Rich, and denying them their heritage. heir Domaldi)

distaff / fate weaving
music / drums
phallic wands?
binding, weaving, string instruments, "spinning" charms, snares, halters, "flaxen thread" etc.
singing, spells, chanting, encantations
dancing, dervishes, hallucinegens
gemmed robes of blue with hood of black lambskin trimmed with white cat / ermine, carrying a skin bag for supplies /

Sacred Mead
Pigs / Swine (farmers) versus Barbarians (warriors)
Yngling family tree - Bloody Axe vs. Bleating Ox
runes / writing = magic
thunderstones (flint)
the third estate (thrall / peasant / farmer) vs. 2nd (merchant / craftsman / artisan) and 1st (noble / warrior);
magic / priesthood is introduced by 3rd estate to compete / rise to 1st estate.
Galdr (spells, incantations, songs, yell, scream) chanted it in falsetto? [used for various things, i.e. by women to ease childbirth, drive someone to madness, raise tempests, blunt swords, soften armor etc.
#9 is significant

sigils / staves - symbols with magical effects:
Sibyls and Oracles (the Ninth Sibyl, the last Oracle, the Oracle's daughter etc.)

trial by ordeal, often rigged in favor of the accused as the guilty would often refuse the trial and plead guilty. important in societies without strong central government to resolve fueds.
Envy leads to all manner of wrongs - therefore greatest crime / sin (root of evil)

Outlaw = exile, cast out, wolf (doomed to live like a wolf, illegal to be aided by the tribe)
    (could have a story included of an outcast that reasons with the wise man / woman that he should be given another chance / be allowed to join their tribe just as betimes wolves will become tame and will hunt with the tribe and sleep at their master's feet.)

"Nithings" - unvirtuous, villainous, evil doers, sorcerers, cripples, weird, strange, foreign

Islanding name Manuscript / runes / magical staves (has a font)


Story of a baby born to a prostitute / botched abortion? and destined to be sacrificed in a black mass wherein one of the king's consorts / wives wishes to appeal to Satan to make her the favorite of the king and to grant her power over him.

Somehow the child is rescued before the mass and an already dead child / aborted fetus has to be substituted at the last minute, but the consort becomes suspicious and seeks revenge when her wishes are only partially granted.

The "sorceress" who performed the black masses used babies bought from poor people and prostitutes and generally only used very sickly children who were likely to die regardless. [during the plague?]

This led to the timing of the black masses to be urgent affairs coinciding with the birth of a suitable sacrifice.


Interesting: Greek Fire (ignis graecus) was not just a technology but a complete weapons system:

Greek fire is best understood as a complete weapons system of many components, all of which were needed to operate together to render it effective. This comprised not only the formula of its composition, but also the specialized dromon ships that carried it into battle, teh device used to prepare the substance by heating and pressurizing it, the siphon projecting it, and the special training of the siphonarioi who used it.

Knowledge of the whole system was highly compartmentalized, with operators and technicians aware of the secrets of only one component, ensuring that no enemy could gain knowledge of it in its entirety. This accounts for the fact that when the Bulgarians took Mesembria and Debeltos in 814, they captured 36 siphons and even quantities of the substance itself, but were unable to make any use of them.

could write a story with a similar compartmentalized system of some sort, either weapons, spy network, potion / elixir or w/e.

Could have a wizard / alchemist captured and forced to give up the secret / "secret recipe", only to have the substance / plan blow up in the face of the captors when they attempt to use it, as the proper use / network / order etc. was not followed exactly.


Jungle drums, Morse code, rocks in a pond etc. - encoding information into waves... [water memory?] the first coders?

(could use as a super-subtle call to primitivism or some such)
Also, first "modern" programming was of punched cards fed into a loom to produce different patterns of fabric. This also led to the first major case of anti-technology reaction / activism where the Nottingham weaver, Ned Ludd, led an attack on the programmed loom, immortalizing the term "Luddite" as one who resists technological advancement.


Society / culture where along with the God / gods, the people also had actual / strong belief in a Tulpa / Imaginary friend / guardian angel / doppelganger / subconscious self? / instinct / sixth sense / shoulder angel / demon for each person with whom they can interact, build a relationship and draw power from.

If neglected they can become tricksters / agents of malaise or depression and if abused, malevolent. These beings can be manifest / manifest themselves physically if enough "energy" / "devotion"? is channeled to that pupose. Through something like hypnosis, some have tried with varying levels of success to manipulate the "doubles" / shades / reflex [reflection] / image / echo / Muse / signal / spren / expression" of other people. [reptile brain?; schizofrenic / primitive mind?]

(Dark Matter / Spren / Schizophrenia / Subconcious / etc)

Game? or story of different races with different (travel / movement) powers - Air (flight), Land, Water, Subterranean, Light, Darkness etc. Units displayed on a map. Land Units can move x spaces per turn, slower / require help across water / mountains? Water race = converse, x movemnt in water, need help over land. Air can go x regardless of terrain but can't carry much. light Aven, Centaur / Human, Mer, Rodent / Insect, Ether, Shade - Hybrids? [reptilian = land + water etc.]


Eustatius P. Merlin / Merlin Jones / Merlin Mandrake - Time Traveler. Story of how ancient magicians / sorcerers / wizards / prophets were really just time travelers with access to computers, smart phones, modern tech. etc. behind their crystal balls / miracles. (add some references to Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court for fun.


A rationalization of many of the stories of the bible wherein the villains are redeemed to some extent and some of the heroes are less so. Examples include Lilith, Cain, Bathsheba, Jezebel, Goliath etc.

Could just introduce one or two of these characters and the rationalization in another story where they are but a character.

Example: Lilith [Lilya] represents women / was among the first human women from the earliest strains of mankind. Eve was from a later strain, and Lilith attempted to help Eve by leading her to knowledge [perhaps of how to avoid the abuse / control of men // perhaps with knowledge of childbirth / contraception / pain relief] but was seen as betraying Adam / Men / the New Race / the Patriarchy [perhaps Patriarchy had recently supplanted Matriarchy?] leading to disaster for Eve (and Adam) and teh banishment of Lilith and the First Humans (elves, neanderthals etc.)

In those times, men and women mated freely, though some clung to certain ones, women and men did not "belong" to each other. Even children were considered children of the tribe as all were family.

As the two (or 3 or 4) types of humans mixed, distrust was fostered and a hierarchy developed. The unified leadership of wise women and strong men were supplanted by cunning men claiming divin / supernatural sight, prophesy and supported by black magic - declaring wise women to be dangerous and unreliable and pretending to be subservient to the single ruler-ship of the strong man or king, yet making the kingship reliant on the cunning man's wisdom, counsel, sanction and anointing.

Originally a hunter/gatherer society where all was held in common, the newer groups began to settle and develop agriculture. Disputes arose over land and resources and private property began to be codified along with other laws and rites. [and the first lawyers].

Cain, a great hunter, was involved in a dispute with Abel leading to Abel's death and Cain's banishment (with Lilya?)

Along with the banishment of Lilya, Cain (and her children?) etc., war broke out where most of the "Firstmen" are slaughtered by the "Newmen" [which in reality was a mixed race of all 3 or 4 races.]


a man being led to execution, recognizes an insignia on a guard's uniform / ring / mark and makes a secret sign of distress that is recognized by the soldier as belonging to the same secret society / brotherhood / family / lineage / village / race etc. leading to the soldier orchestrating the man's freedom.

"on the way to the place of execution a prisoner recognized Masonic regalia on the uniform of Confederate Captain Montjoy, a recently inducted Freemason then returning from a raid. The condemned captive gave him a secret Masonic distress signal"


story of someone who keeps getting emails meant for other people who eventually gets frustrated / curious and attends one of the events he is "invited" to (shows up for a job, blind date, class reunion etc.) and realizes how easy it is to impersonate other people, leading to a life of alternate identities.


The "lost cause" motif. A group who has been defeated and is living (subjegated or free) under a system they dislike / resisted.


A group who plans and executes attacks / sabotage / crime / murder, then uses the crisis to assert the weakness of the current leadership.


A group who makes a bomb with faulty wiring on purpose so it won't explode leaving evidence implicating a 3rd party.

The evidence is taken as credible because had teh bomb exploded it would have obliterated teh evidence.


Story of someone who refuses to sign a debriefing / discharge form since the form says to sign after being debriefed, but the policy says not to debrief until the form has been signed. Therefore the person cannot be discharged and remains in the job for over a decade past his discharge date, haunting the establishment etc.


An estranged couple with a friend that knows both of them but doesn't know they are / were together, in other words he knows the man from the gym and the woman from work or w/e. He convinces them to go on a blind date together as they seem perfect for each other. (Probably calls them different names / nicknames for some reason, therefore they don't catch on until they end up at the restaurant together.

Could also have it happen two or three times with different setups / people. It doesn't have to be intentional setups but things like a football game where their seats happen to be together even though they came with different groups, or at a party where everyone else is paired up leaving them the "odd people out" etc. As if the universe is pushing them back together again. Could call it "Lodestone"?


Story of a member of congress / staffer who plans a trip and fakes / causes an illness / injury to force the plane to land in a country where some covert mission is underway so they can gain insight on the operation, probably because they don't have the proper clearances or are not on the relevant committees (intel etc.) to be briefed legitimately.


Ancient Astronauts - story of travelers who encounter a primitive civilization and, tough under strict orders not to fraternize with native peoples, eventually get cut off from their home world / motherland etc. OR feel compassion / attachment to the natives and teach them the basics of their technologies and begin to have relations with them.

Eventually the home world is made aware of the transgressions and plan to destroy the civilizatio n(for some reason the spread of technology and / or the inter-mixture of genetics is dangerous / highly undesirable.

One man is made aware of the destruction plan and escapes with his family (extended) and starts a new civilization that is out of the eye of the home world (perhaps there is one leader who is aware / warned them and is surreptitiously observing.)

Could have 2 contending people / factions... one who wants to give knowledge, one that wants to withhold it until conditions are right. The one sneakingly gives the knowledge too early, only to lead to the extermination order, while those who urged restraint and patience again urge against extermination but are overruled and resort to saving a portion of the people to continue the work of improvement / progression / perfection.


Story of a young girl who is picked up and taken to a rich nobleman / politician's house who was known to be a deviant / abusive, and when attempts are made to defile her she uses some skill (hypnosis, drugs, feigning a contagious illness (Breckenridge's Scourge), etc. She avoids the predation and eventually brings the man's downfall or gains power over him etc.

Could be a black widow type character who gets herself into such situations on purpose, feigning weakness only to spring her trap when they are vulnerable.


An exhibitionist conspiracy nut who dances in skimpy lingerie in front of her TV set / computer webcam, convinced that the government is watching her.


The Fool's Academy

Story about a school for aspiring jesters, bards, minstrels etc. with a darker side that includes political intrigue, spies and assassins.

Rupert is the 3rd son of a minor noble, and, as such will inherit nothing, will receive no military commission and has the choice of joining the clergy or ... joining the clergy. So, Rupert runs away, quickly runs out of money and finds himself begging for his dinner. He finds that singing and dancing draws crowds, which he attempts to fleece for a few coins. This yields more bumps and bruises than it does farthings, but Rupert learns to scrape by, and at least he can eat some of the food thrown in his direction.

Eventually, Ferit, a traveling minstrel / merchant agrees to feed him as payment for helping him load and unload his cart as he travels around the countryside, and the two form a mutual friendship. Rupert is a quick learner and pesters Ferit to teach him all he knows, which turns out to be considerable as Ferit used to perform for all the great courts in the land and was once a close confidant to King Luchis before his unfortunate demise.

Much of this information was slow in coming, as Ferit had been concealing his identity since the death of the king, along with his role in the various intrigues of the Kingdom and surrounding provinces.

Over time the traveling companions grew close, and Ferit recommended Rupert to the Fool's Academy - An ancient school for the training of a variety of lesser known and even lesser respected arts, but a place that still maintained a sizeable patron base and benefited by attracting the Middle Ages surplus of less appreciated, yet no less gifted talent.


Historic dystopia, life after / during the plague. The plague was engineered by a dark wizard to destroy humanity.


Twins, brother and sister, heirs to a huge fortune including extensive business interests to be given them control of when they turn 21.

They are orphaned and given as wards to a powerful friend.

Someone tries to kill the boy so they will only have one to control / kill at the right time. (a provision in the will, written before they knew they were born, specifies that if the awardee dies before they take control at 21, the fortune goes to charity / is liquidated.)

The boy survives but then learns of the conspiracy, so he allows everyone to believe he is dead. He lives on the street and watches his sister from a safe distance while attempting to unravel the mystery.

Possible plot twists:

The guardian(s) seem guilty but in fact is/are not.

The girl learns the truth, is nearly killed, the brother helps her escape / fake her death, then comes out of hiding feigning amnesia and playing dumb. The sister in turn takes his place on the street.

The girl could have a boyfriend who believes she is dead. He eventually becomes friends w/ the boy and eventually learns / figures out the truth. He either keeps the secret well or may lead the villain to her...(undetermined)

The boy likes a middle class girl who thinks he's riff-Raff at first, then warms to him. Then when he comes out of hiding and becomes rich overnight, she can tell he is hiding something, so she distances herself and he must start all over wooing her.

A bully from the street makes life hard for the boy, and seems to be a menace, but in the end sort of falls for the girl and sacrifices himself for them.


During ancient times, the crones, hags and witches were frequently sages, leaders, midwives and healers in their communities and were revered for their wisdom and knowledge. As history evolved and a patriarchal society took hold, the definitions of the crone, (the crowned one) the hag, (the holy one), and the witch (the wise one) were distorted.

(These may or may not be accurate...)


Werewolf Tag (minimum 4 players?)

different color beads

Black = Villiagers
Red = Werewolf
Green = Hunter
White = Doctor

Werewolves and Hunter run around and tag people, then show their beads to each other only. The tagged player is frozen / sits on the ground. The doctor may heal people by tagging a frozen / dead player, then both show their beads to each other. If the doctor heals a werewolf, the doctor dies.

*Idea: could describe a similar game from an observers perspective in a story - someone trying to figure out the children's game from a distance...

"Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from Magic"

ABCD = Abracadabra
Grammaire (books written in Latin) = Grimoire
Alchemy => Chemistry
Astrology => Astronomy


Story of people going to a bus stop / park and ride / office / w/e, told from their various perspectives one at a time.

A girl, getting dressed, noticing every flaw, seeing a guy at the bus stop, what she thinks of him [she likes his lavender shirt] [see's him squint and cover his eyes / put thumb and forefinger one either side of his nose, thinks he might be hung over from a wild night / weekend of partying][wonders about the piece of fruit in his hand, thinks it might be a metaphor for something]...

A guy, getting dressed, realizes he forgot to do laundry, has only one clean shirt - the "pink" shirt his girlfriend gave him that he thinks is a little fruity; finally puts it on and heads out the door with hardly a thought to his appearance otherwise. He sees a girl, thinks she's cute, wonders if she caught him staring, wonders if the fight he had with his girlfriend last week could be considered a legitimate break - then figures probably not... but no harm in saying hello... he squints in the bright sunlight and puts his fingers to his nose and closes his eyes. Enjoys the coolness of the nectarine / plum / peach in his hand as he walks, really wanting to bite into it, but doesn't want to turn off the girl that he will likely never see again... did she just look at him?


more ideas

chough = king of crows
a secret society, handshakes, knocks

4 emotions (hindu?)
happiness, pleasure, sorrow, love

a thief who (using milton freidman's rationale) justifies his actions, calls himself a "public benefactor"

creature type: Bogling / Boglin (play off of Goblin)

A young man who makes a living traveling from town to town making people think he is some sort of soothsayer / sorcerer / magician, but he is just very observant / intelligent / charismatic. (medieval psych)

A young boy (12-14ish?) who runs away with his little brother (4-6 ish) to live in the forest (American South?) in order to avoid having his indolent parents put up for adoption / sell the younger brother to a wealthy family / traffickers?.

Story idea = someone who pretends to have a bomb / foils the authorities etc. as an audition / to get an interview w/ the CIA / FBI

Story of a man / woman who woos someone (possibly a noble / royal) by telling her / him fragments of a story / stories but never completing one without starting a new one, requiring another invitation to hear the ending (kind of like the Panchatantra or Arabian Nights).

Also an original group of fables / moral stories depicting a certain code of conduct / laws of a civilization / group. (Like "The 12 fables", or the "99 adventures" or w/e)


A story within  a story of a group of people, that, on closer inspection, reveals to not really be about those people at all, but the names of the original people and places have been changed to those of a later group (who conquered the first, or borrowed... w/e), and when this substitution is understood it reveals great secrets lost to the ages (treasure, libraries of knowledge, hidden cities / civilizations etc.)

Similar to Christians "changing" or subsuming Pagan traditional festivals.

Example: Roman vs. Greek Mythology; Genesis vs. Epic of Gilgamesh, etc.



For people like me, a wanderer without home or inheritance, faith is more than hope in the unseen. It is also blood, family and nation. Keeping the faith is often as much about staying true to ones roots as it is a belief in various cosmic intangibles. And if those roots keep you tethered to those you love and are loved by, how can that be irrational regardless of how amorphous the evidence of its basis in reality?

"The Opiate of the Masses", he says, taking a drag of his cigarette. "I'll drink to that!" replied the bartender.


Amy(?)'s Story

Princess Leona / Manina
Castle Myonsa / Salorna
masara, nisa,


Facebook Poetry:
Sara Smith: (facebook) Cleaned out fridge: 5 half used jars of spagetti sauce, 1 rotten bag of lettuce, 3 half used jars of pickles, 6 empty containers???, 1 half used cheese, four (open and not) sour creams, two july 09 yogurts vanilla flavored, three opened ketchup, 6 partially used salad dressings and one empty package for string cheese!


a boy who starts seeing people from his dreams and dreaming of events that are like alternate events of what really ends up happening, leading him to be able to "figure out" the future to a certain degree of certainty based on the difference between his dream world and the actual world.


a man wakes up in a room w/ out any windows or doors but with a lot of comfortable furnishings etc. He calls for help, looks for a hidden door, then sits down in a big chair by a warm fire to think, and falls asleep. he dreams of a woman and child that seem to be his, but he doesn't remember their names.

after waking he continues to search for a way out of the room and finally does. he finds himself in a hallway. He passed a number of interesting? rooms and finally reaches a steep stairwell. He goes down and finds even more enticing /opulent rooms the further down he goes, but he soon realizes that there are no windows and hence no light from outside. eventually he realizes he is in the basement of some large building. So he begins to head upstairs.

The further up he goes the more light seems to come from the outside, though the windows are opaque. However, many people try to keep him from going up. Some try to convince him that going down is better, and some official types try to take him to a clean room, but he runs away.

eventually he finds an exit and breaks out, but the sun is so bright that he passes out. He wakes up in the first room he found himself in and has to break out a different way, as the way he got out before doesn't work. He finds different ways out of the building but passes out each time.

As time goes by he meets different people and puts together clues of where he is and what is happening to him, and he comes to the conclusion that he must get to the top of the building to a certain "control room" where there is a "control device" that seems to be keeping him from escaping.

The further up he goes the more opposition he encounters until he finally reaches the top. When he gets to the control room he finds a woman? there. At first he wants to destroy the device and she pretends to want to stop him, but when he reaches the device after subduing the woman, he realizes that the device is not even on, and that the woman didn't really fight too hard to stop him...

Finally, instead of destroying the device he decides to turn it on. As he tries, the woman tries to stop him but it is too late. He is hit with a bolt of lightning and passes out again. He wakes up, and at first it seems he is back in the same old room, but realizes he is now in a hospital bed with devices attached to him. There are doctors there who talk to him and soon the woman in his dreams runs in. He realizes he had been in a coma the entire time and that the building / corporation  was his own mind.












A land with no concept of borders / nations etc. (native americans?)


A pirate - turned diplomat b/c only he speaks all the languages. He has varying degrees of allegiance to multiple monarchs / nobles.


a party on a long journey, very hungry, pass a farm but do not want to make themselves known, so they continue on. one of their number, seeing a chicken house, closes his eyes and concentrates, then continues on. a few seconds later one (or more) of the chickens flies out of the coop and follows the party. Later, as they sit around a fire watching a chicken roast on a spit, they question the person about his "magic" and ask if he has to be able to see the chicken to make it do his bidding or if is possible if they are out of eye-shot, to which the man replies, "oh, it is certainly possible, though that would employ an entirely different type of magic, if you could even call it magic... but then it would also likely bring us some unwanted company in addition to the fine feast." (implying dark/demonic/spiritual powers that would arouse some unknown dark/unseen force if used.)
"no, this was very simple magic. in truth, most wouldn't even call it magic. I simply made the fowl aware of his current condition, his eventual end, and an alternative path, much as I would do for any friend... though I will admit I did not want to overburden his tiny brain with the possible reaction of my famished friends upon finding such a pretty bird, too fat to fly properly, sauntering along in the middle of our path..." Sarkan sunk his teeth into a dripping drumstick.


a group of soldiers posted at an outpost (or island) who lose contact w/ their command and stop receiving supplies / reinforcements. (2nd Thomas Shoal)


Lahia / Lehia, the daughter of a prominent but no longer wealthy family who is betrothed to the son of a distant wealthy noble who she has only met once. She becomes friends with Elwin, the son of a gypsy couple who has recently squatted near some neighboring woods. The family of gypsies have 12 children, 2 of which are obviously adopted, though no mention is made of this from the family.

Lehia and Elwin become inseparable friends for years, all the while knowing that they could never end up together. A few months before Lehia's wedding Elwin decides to go on his wizard's journey (equivalent for magic-using gypsies), where for 2 years he travels to distant lands to learn his craft and seek out kindred spirits who could also be taught magic.

When he returns, Lehia is married and things are forever different between them... until years later he receives a desperate message from her...


Story of a "Wish Witch / Fairie" who has granted (possibly forced to by some curse / obligation to monarch?) each person in the kingdom one wish when they become of age. You are allowed to request you wish once you turn 12? but may wait until you are 30 if you choose. There is a faction of people who are very fearful of the power of the wish and "preach" against it, citing many a story of ruin and debauchery due to the instant windfall combined with unforeseen consequences / externalities of the wish. One boy / girl who had not planned on making a wish, is on the verge of breaking to save someone she loves?


"See here, Cox, burn a few barns occasionally, as you go along. I can't understand those signal flags, but I know what smoke means." General Sherman to General Cox at Kennesaw Mountain in Georgia June 27, 1864, recorded by Washington Davis.

Story of a general / leader who cruelly pillages to send signals etc.


Story of a boy (or girl) who can tap into all the various types of magic.
He was born a sorcerer (with innate powers) but recognized them early and hid them.
He (became a Therugist / Warlock) was given special powers by a higher spirit / being. (Either in exchange for something or as a gift or payment for some favor / feat)
He learned special magics and summoning spells / raise dead / golums from monsters and other creatures he encountered in his youth.
He became a wizard by studying more magic
He learned illusionist and psychic and persuasive magic from the various bards and magicians he encountered
He learned natural magic from elementals, druids, animals, spirits, shaman, and nature (mother nature? gaia?)
He learned healing magic from herbalists, alchemists, witch-doctors and priests
plus voodoo, etc.

too much?
Or it could be about a group of people from the different schools of magic that end up together...


Story of a Pirate / Thieves guild, and a man who is captured by bandits, but is accepted by them after showing proof of his membership to the thieves guild.


In Early Modern English, the word 'kitten' was interchangeable with the now-obsolete word 'catling'.


Story of a man on a road trip who stops to get gas and sees a guy outside the gas station with a bike and a sign asking for money to help him on his trip biking around the world. Intrigued, he speaks to the guy and gives him some money, then follows him on his blog as he recounts his adventures.

Years later it turns out that the biker was actually extremely wealthy but was just seeing if he could do it without any of his own cash. He ends up with nobody to leave his money to and decides to give a chunk of it to the man who helped him years before / the man's son or w/e.


Andy Post
Andy Post, unpublished science fiction writer

From the phrasing of this question, I assume you're an alien overlord plotting the invasion of Earth and the liquidation of the human race. So let's approach this subject thoroughly.

The most overlooked chinks in humanity's armor are probably:

  1. Devotion and loyalty to family units. Humans have a very strongly developed sense of family. With occasional exceptions, filial piety is common among human family groups. Threaten a human's family and they generally become compliant. If an alien race were to, say, kidnap the eldest child of every family on Earth (or grandparents, husbands, wives, girlfriends, or boyfriends of childless family units), the human race would become much more eager to negotiate and easier to subdue.
  2. Dependence (in some cases, over-dependence) on technology. Much of humanity now posesses tiny pocket computers which they use to communicate with each other and distract their brains whenever they have free time. Personal computers are becoming more rare, but the older generation of humans use them frequently. People also use large-screen devices in their homes to watch news and learn about the world. Technology, especially computer technology, controls almost every aspect of human life, from its entertainment to its military. Strategic electro-magnetic pulses would serve to put all humanity (except the military) into disarray and cut them off from contact with one another.
  3. Dependence on petroleum products. Most of humanity's transportation, logistics, and economy depends on a black, sticky substance pumped out of shale beds, and its various refinements. Strategic targeting of oil wells in the nations of Russia, Saudi Arabia, the United States, Iraq, China, Canada, Iran, and the UAE will severely hamper humanity's ability to move about and supply itself.
  4. Communication style (audio-lingual language). After the EMP knocks out humanity's electronic communications, they will be left with their organic communications: namely, the use of their vocal chords and manipulations of the tongue, teeth, lips, and soft palate to translate complex concepts into sounds which the speech centers in their listeners’ brains translate back into concepts. Targeting the speech centers of the human brain with a bioengineered virus will render them incapable of coherent speech and hamper their attempts at communication and coordination.
  5. Body chemistry. The humam body is 80% water. Water plays a crucial role in the majority of humans' biological processes. Wide-cast microwave beams reflected onto Earth's surface (or focused on its urban centers) could boil humans alive from the inside.
  6. Tectonic plates. Earth is geologically unstable. Heating up the planet's core (perhaps with the aforementioned microwaves) could increase convection in the mantle and set off a catastrophic series of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that would severely disrupt and distract humanity.
  7. Delicately balanced weather. Earth's oceans regulate its climate, absorbing large amounts of heat without a drastic change in temperature. Heating the world's oceans (again, with microwaves) would kill Earth's marine life and cause global tempetatures to rise, likely leading to failed crops and numerous human deaths by starvation and heat-related illnesses.
  8. Exposed centers of agriculture. Humanity has no underground farms or appreciable food reserves. Targeting the most fertile agricultural regions in Europe, Asia, and North America would lead to worldwide famine and reduce the populace to quiescent compliance.
  9. Fragile psyche. The human brain, as well as human psychology, lends itself very easily to addictive behaviors. Sowing the Earth's atmosphere with addictive substances could reduce the entire population to willing slaves. Or, alternatively, sowing the atmosphere with “madness” drugs could make humanity destroy itself virtually overnight, with little environmental impact.
  10. Disunity and disharmony. Humanity is a tenuous amalgamation of hundreds of countries and thousands of religions, ethnicities, and cultures. They have never had a unified world government or a consensus on their collective future as a species. Long-term covert propaganda campaigns could capitalize on regional loyalties, disparate outlooks, narrow and provincial worldviews, and differences of opinion and create millions of collaborators willing to work against their own species.
Write a story about an apartment building / condo complex where the upstairs is inhabited by a boring old retired couple, the main floor by a young partying couple [who have a big blow up fight every 4 years?], and the basement is a meth lab, as an analogy to North America (Canada  on top, US, Latin America)


A story beginning with a scribe running through a building in flames to rescue a single tome hidden in a special place. The building is the library of Alexandria as it burns to the ground and the scribe is an initiate of the school of mysteries ( 

The book is saved and passed down etc.


Story of a man going [with other troops or companions] from town to town slaughtering people [either all people or people of a certain class, ethnicity etc.]. After hundreds of such villages and towns the process becomes monotonous and automatic. The group is very efficient in their butchery. But after one such town, the man feels like something was off... like he missed something. He returns to the town to discover that they had in fact missed something and a small group had avoided death by hiding in a well concealed secret room / building unlike any he had ever seen. This led him to realize that not all people are the same and that there was something special about this group / town. As he pursues them he must process these and other thoughts, and as his party splits up to take in a wider territory his lack of connection leaves him free to consider his own morality outside of the group.


The Boy and the Brother.

Story of a boy who has a little brother who is extremely precocious and follows him around all the time. The boy finds his brother very annoying and feels like his parents prefer the brother, though it might have something to do with their reactions to his chicanery vs. the brother's diligence and fastidiousness. The brother keeps a clean room, does his homework without being asked, eats his vegetables, is good at sports, etc. while the boy has a messy room, has emotional confrontations with his parents almost daily, and can never quite seem to focus in school.

Some of the boy's issues possibly stem from his problems with bullies at school, leading him in turn to pick on the brother, sometimes mercilessly.

One day the two are home alone, or under little supervision when they decide to play hide and seek. The brother is notoriously good at hide and seek, as he is naturally good at everything, so, partly out of boredom, partly out of spite, the boy abandons the search for his brother after a few minutes and goes back to playing video games or whatnot.

A while later his mother gets back from the store and asks where the brother is. They go through the house and are unable to find him. They search the yard, the neighborhood, to no avail. The police are called and the neighbors join in the search. Eventually a warrant is issued to search the house of a strange man down the street who people claimed to have seen talking with the brother. They didn't find the brother, but they did find an old manila envelope stuffed with black and white pictures of some other boy in various states of undress and in compromising poses, obviously tortured and abused. The man claims no knowledge of the pictures, but is arrested and convicted of possession of child pornography.

Late that night or early the next morning the boy realizes something and runs to the garage to an old chest freezer his father had gotten for free with the intention of fixing the seal, but had never gotten around to. He hadn't thought of it before because the garage was sort of off limits and he hadn't thought his brother would hide there. He lifted the lid in horror to find a small body, blue from lack of oxygen. (perhaps his mother put something [groceries?] on top of the freezer when she got home pinning him inside, the broken seal the only thing allowing just enough oxygen in to keep him barely alive) (also possible, the boy had used the freezer as his treasure chest, stashing his candy and other valuables / shoplifted goods, etc., not realizing that his brother had discovered it)

The brother survives, but is in a coma? for weeks and is never the same after that. His cognitive abilities and motor functions are seriously impaired and his growth becomes stunted. The boy's guilt is nearly overwhelming, and he dedicates his existence to caring for and protecting his now severely challenged brother.

Over time the boy comes to realize that, while his brother is slow in most aspects, it appears that, starved for oxygen while trapped in the freezer, the brother's mind had retreated to a small corner of his brain, concentrating all vital neurons to one small location, so, while on most levels he exhibited severe cognitive impairment, in one or two areas he could perform almost supernaturally. (think somewhere between Rainman and Carrie)

In the mean time, the mother also feels guilt for her role in trapping her son in the freezer, and, as an attorney begins to appeal for the release of the neighbor. She initially gets him released, but with an ankle bracelet, as the evidence was circumstantial and the photographs didn't have his fingerprints on them, but, as a registered sex offender he was even more ostracized by the other neighbors and even harassed.

One day, one of the boy's more regular bullies saw the brothers getting off the bus and begins to taunt the younger brother, mimicking his awkward movements and slurred speech etc. The boy loses it and beats the bully unconscious, nearly killing him. The the hospital scene is repeated for the bully with everybody wondering if he will survive or not.

The bully's father is brought to the police station because of various old wounds and bruises found on the bully's body inconsistent with the beating received by the boy, leading to the conclusion that the bully had been physically abused by his father. The bully recovers, but is never quite the same, and becomes a bit of an outcast while the boy who beat him comes to be held in fear and awe, ending the bullying, but also ostracizing him more. Over time (the summer) the boy and the bully become friends, and the three of them (boy, brother, bully) have a series of amazing adventures.

side story: the mother tries to befriend the "pedophile" neighbor and does all she can to get his conviction reversed. While the man seems grateful, the strain of it all becomes unbearable and he tries to kill himself, leading to a third tense hospital scene. Eventually the man comes home and the mother keeps an eagle eye on him. After a time it is realized that the fingerprints on the pictures actually belong to the man's [uncle / father / step father] and the little boy in the pictures was the man himself as a child, so his conviction is reversed, though the stigma remains. The man most likely plays a major role in some of the adventures.

[Over time, the plasticity of the brother's brain allows him to compensate for his handicap and, while never quite the same, he is able to live a normal life.]

a bit of a take-off of the Connecticut Yankee, Shonsu etc...

a man(?) who gets (hit on the head, walks into a cave, crashes into a jungle, gets shipwrecked etc.) and finds himself in the past / a primitive world where he is forced to use his wits to survive. He is able to avoid death narrowly due to his superior knowledge, education, and understanding of basic scientific and historical principles, though he more often falls into trouble because of his severe lack of practical knowledge and skills. At the end of every day / week / unspecified period of time the man falls asleep only to "awaken" back in his former reality. He begins to re-accustom himself to his former life (after making his way back to civilization if that is the scenario) and begins to believe his adventures in the past / other world were only a dream, when, after another period of time he falls asleep again only to find himself back in the past again. Fortunately he had, out of curiosity, done a bit of research into some of the issues that had plagued / confronted him before, and he is able to solve a formerly intractable issue. 
As the story progresses he continually flashes back and forth between worlds, at first using his time in his original reality to make use of technology to learn information and gain skills that will help him in the new reality. He tries to confide in people and tries therapy to end his continually being dragged back into the other world, but after time he begins to look forward to his time away and learns many things from this new reality that aid him in his old reality (a wise mentor perhaps). 
At some point he finds himself torn, not knowing which world to prefer and may or may not gain the ability to control the timing of his flashes (finds the secret cave in the future / past, whatever). He may have love interests in either or both places, and his dramatic learning curve in both scenarios leads him to great successes that becomes bittersweet as he must choose between the two.
IN the end (maybe) he chooses to return to his own time for good (the cave is collapsing, island is sinking, volcano is swallowing the jungle, the magic stone's light is fading etc.) and it seems his adventures are over... but at the last moment the possibility of an alternative portal reveals itself... the end.


A world where magic users are feared and despised, generally because they are universally evil.

The story of a young person / party who comes across an old man (beggar, blind, lost) on the road and invite him to join their party for safety. The man seems fairly frail and useless, but the kind group shares what they have with him and help him travel (let him ride on the horse, wagon etc.) 

The man seems plagued with some sort of inner demons / mental issues, and when asked about the matter gives pat answers or becomes almost angry when pressed.

At some point the group is attacked and their seems no hope for deliverance until the old man steps off the wagon and (calls down fire, shoots lighting from his staff etc.) and everybody realizes he is a wizard. However, since he saved them all, they (some grudgingly) allow him to remain with them. Some of the party recall tales of when some magic users used their powers for good before the great battle, cataclysm, whatever, when all the good wizards were killed and only the evil ones remained. Some speculated that this man was one of the good ones who escaped death by hiding his magic abilities.

The truth is more complicated. As the need for the man to uses his magic for the benefit of the party continues, the man's frailties begin to fade and he even begins to look younger. It turns out that the magic is corrosive if kept bottled up and unused, but is also corrosive (internally) if used frivolously or for ones own ends. The man had learned to avoid using his magic altogether so as to avoid this inner corrosion even to the detriment of his physical form. 

It is possible that the man was one of the good who escaped, or he was one of the majority who once used magic selfishly but something (the death / killing) of a loved one caused him to change and vow never to use it again or something. 

The many years of developing self control served to focus the man's abilities and greatly increased his potency when using his magic.  This brought great power, but also temptation as well as the notice of many who feared him and those who wanted to use him / control him.

By the end his aging is reversed and he seems to be more middle aged or slightly senior at most.


Story about a man / woman who is visited by / stalked by a spirit / ghost / sprite who eventually speaks to them and, while at first torments them, eventually begins to help them by warning them of danger and which way to move to avoid capture when sneaking around in a castle etc. Eventually the ghost becomes more of a presence that enters their mind from time to time giving them information and speaking to them, and even, on occasion (if allowed) takes over the body to move and act, fight and kill etc. It becomes obvious that the lost spirit was once a great warrior as well as a scholar and possible wizard. 


Story of a man who becomes haunted by the ghost / spirit of a little girl after he sees her (at a hospital, scene of an accident, haunted house etc.) and tells her that he will adopt her (possibly not knowing that she is a ghost at the time or perhaps he is dreaming / delirious). The ghost at first causes all sorts of issues for him, makes him look like he's talking to himself, moves things around, freaks out his love interests / wife) but later becomes an invaluable friend and companion, helping him solve problems / mysteries / warn him of danger etc. 

The resolution could involve the discovery of the girls actual body in a coma and her either dying and saying goodbye or waking up and being adopted by the man's family. 

The story could also be one where the girl is older and becomes a love interest for the man.


Thieves Guilds etc.

"The Court of Miracles" in Paris
(In pre-modern Paris a large portion of the population relied on begging for its survival. Since those with a clear handicap could expect more alms, a number of beggars faked terrible injuries and diseases. By the time they came back to their homes in the slum, they dropped their characters. A beggar who had pretended to be blind or crippled the whole day could see or walk again once back in the slum. This phenomenon gave the generic name to these areas where so many "miracles" occurred every day: courts of miracles.[)

Islamic Banu-Sasan (medieval theives)

The thieves who work by tunneling into houses and by murderous assaults are much tougher eggs, quite ready to kill or be killed in the course of their criminal activities. They necessarily use quite complex equipment… are used for the work of breaking through walls, and the crowbar for forcing open doors; then, once a breach is made, the burglar pokes a stick with a cloth on the end into the hole, because if he pokes his own head through the gap, might well be the target for the staff, club or sword of the houseowner lurking on the other side.

The tortoise is employed thus. The burglar has with him a flint-stone and a candle about as big as a little finger. He lights the candle and sticks it on the tortoise’s back. The tortoise is then introduced through the breach into the house, and it crawls slowly around, thereby illuminating the house and its contents. The bag of sand is used by the burglar when he has made his breach in the wall. From this bag, he throws out handfuls of sand at intervals, and if no-one stirs within the house, he then enters it and steals from it; apparently the object of the sand is either to waken anyone within the house when it is thrown down, or else to make a tell-tale crushing noise should any of the occupants stir within it.

Also, the burglar may have with him some crusts of dry bread and beans. If he wishes to conceal his presence, or hide any noise he is making, he gnaws and munches at these crusts and beans, so that the occupants of the house think that it is merely the cat devouring a rat or mouse.



who used the Islamic religion as a cloak for their predatory ways, well aware that the purse-strings of the faithful could easily be loosed by the eloquence of the man who claims to be an ascetic or or mystic, or a worker of miracles and wonders, to be selling relics of the Muslim martyrs and holy men, or to have undergone a spectacular conversion from the purblindness of Christianity or Judaism to the clear light of the faith of Muhammad.


Amira Bennison identifies several adaptable rogues of this type, who could “tell Christian, Jewish or Muslim tales depending on their audience, often aided by an assistant in the audience who would ‘oh’ and ‘ah’ at the right moments and collect contributions in return for a share of the profits,” and who thought nothing of singing the praises of both Ali and Abu Bakr—men whose memories were sacred to the Shia and the Sunni sects, respectively. Some members of this group would eventually adopt more legitimate professions—representatives of the Banu Sasan were among the first and greatest promoters of printing in the Islamic world—but for most, their way of life was something they took pride in. One of the best-known examples of the maqamat (popular) literature that flourished from around 900 tells the tale of Abu Dulaf al-Khazraji, the self-proclaimed king of vagabonds, who secured a tenuous position among the entourage of a 10th-century vizier of Isfahan, Ibn Abbad, by telling sordid, titillating, tales of the underworld. 

 While most members of the Banu Sasan appear to have lived and worked in cities, they also cropped up in more rural areas, and even in the scarcely populated deserts of the region. The so-called prince of camel thieves, for instance—one Shaiban bin Shihab—developed the novel technique of releasing a container filled with voracious camel ticks on the edges of an encampment. When the panicked beasts of burden scattered, he would seize his chance and steal as many as he could. To immobilize any watchdogs in the area, other members of the Banu Sasan would “feed them a sticky mixture of oil-dregs and hair clippings”—the contemporary writer Damiri notes—”which clogs their teeth and jams up their jaws.”

  In all, Jaubari sets out 30 chapters’ worth of information on the methods of everyone from crooked jewelers—whom he says had 47 different ways of manufacturing false diamonds and emeralds—to alchemists with their “300 ways of dakk” (falsification). He details the way in which money-changers wore magnetized rings to deflect the indicator on their scales, or used rigged balances filled with mercury, which artificially inflated the weight of the gold that was placed on them.




 A vampire who "goes on a diet" or tries to stop drinking blood / killing people and instead begins sucking on ketchup packets and becomes addicted to ketchup and possibly other sauce packets.


Fenwick Gilroy


Soapstone retains heat (Judaculla rock)

whiskey stones keep drinks cold

story of a large stone that emits heat, saving someone's life on a cold night etc.


A culture / civilization that communicates almost exclusively through facial expressions with specialized / developed facial muscles giving them the ability to express very complex ideas. 

Generally speaking, members of this culture have had difficulty learning to verbalize other languages as their vocal skills had not been highly developed beyond humming / chanting or mimicking sounds of animals etc. 

Recently, however, a number of children from this race were raised among speaking peoples (either captured or rescued from a catastrophe or raised with a tutor brought into their own culture) who become a) diplomats b) spies c) assassins etc. who blend in with other cultures but recognize eachother and are able to communicate without words without their communications being noticed / intercepted by others around them. Legends begin to spring up about their magical abilities, mind reading, telepathy etc.


Story of a boy who rubs a magic lamp / is somehow granted three refuses to make any wishes because what he really wants is a friend and doesn't want the genie to leave him for good. (He may have wished for a friend but Genie was unable to grant such a wish, similar to falling in love etc.) Eventually he may be forced to use the wishes to save someone etc and the conflict builds as he approaches his final wish and risks losing his only friend forever.

Alternatively the Genie may be a girl who he falls in love with and doesn't want to see her go.


story of a boy / girl who gets in trouble / involved with some criminal organization / rogue element / government group / secret society because they use (once or continually) a symbol that they saw when they were little and remembered, and for some reason continue to draw it or incorporate it into their doodles / artwork / architecture / designs etc. 

The symbol was originally drawn on a toy / dollhouse by a member of the group in question, and eventually the girl / boy is forced to recall some old memories (painful or not) to reveal the identity of the person who left the sign. etc.

The sign had gone unnoticed by the adults since it looked like the scribbling of children at first glance.



A guy goes to the dmv to fix a problem with his driving record or something. He talks to a cute but somewhat shy / mousy dmv rep who helps him after he flirts with her. (Possibly fudges something for him). They end up going out (sleeping together? ), but when he tries to say goodbye, it becomes clear that she won't have it. She begins stalking him, then starts messing with his driving record and other records and that of family members (brother/sister/parent in jail?). She gets a jealous cop friend to harass him etc, nearly ruins his life/ marriage etc. Until she can be stopped. (Possibly like the psycho chick Starsky and Hutch episode).


"It all started at the Rip Van Winkle Motel


A family goes to a mall / large department store / outdoor store (in preparation to go camping?) and separates to get different things, the father with a family friend / buddies who came along, the son off by himself (checking out a girl?), the wife with the two younger kids etc.

Leading up to this, a number of people have been dying mysterious deaths / gone missing, including the father's friend's sister, and weather and other anomalies have been increasingly common. 

In the middle of the shopping trip, there is a tornado, except that it rips through the roof of the shopping center and is turning all the loose items into deadly projectiles. (alternatively it is a poisonous gas or something. In the dream it was just some force that was going to kill anyone that didn't make it outside). Everyone runs to the different exits as the doors begin to close and lock up in emergency mode.

The father and friend see the very strange and winding black tornado / funnel cloud and it looks like it is coming right for them, so they get into the friend's vehicle and drive away, seeing no way to return to the family, and realizing that the tornado seems to be chasing them.

They take shelter at / near the missing / dead sister's house (to help the storyline) but eventually have to drive to some military compound / across the border to another country where they are taken and put in some sort of refugee / disaster relocation center. 

A few hours after arriving the father's cell phone rings and it is his wife speaking in a whisper. She has found a phone to call him at a similar center that they have been sent to where phones / outside communication is strictly forbidden. (It is also forbidden where the father is, but he had been able to conceal the phone when searched.) The wife had found a phone and made her first quick call to him.

The husband learns that the wife and the two younger kids are fine, but the older son is not with her. They both explain what happened to each other and it soon becomes clear that they are no longer on the same time-line. For the husband, less than a day has passed since the event, but for the wife it has been months, all the while not knowing what had happened to her husband and son.

The call ends abruptly as the wife is almost caught with the phone. The father starts poking around, getting more and more suspicious of everything, when a young soldier / janitor furtively pulls him aside and tells him to stop asking questions or he would get their entire "pod" / "sector" "deleted". The soldier / janitor promises to make contact later and explain, so the father stops asking questions but continues to investigate quietly and shares his suspicions with his friend. 

When the janitor / soldier finally contacts him and speaks in cryptic terms, the father threatens to blow the lid off of everything and go straight to the top and talk to the base commander etc., the janitor / soldier says he knows where the man's son is and if he wants to see him he needs to keep quiet.

Eventually the soldier / janitor takes the father to a detention facility / prison where he can see his son through a glass wall. The son is unaware of his father's presence, and the father starts to bang on the glass, but he janitor / soldier pulls him away (possibly chokes him out) and explains that there is no way to get his son out, and if he wants to be with his son, he would have to go into the prison himself. 

Eventually the father does this and passes a note to his son telling him to act casually when they meet in a crowded yard to listen to daily announcements. The father grips his hand and promises to get him out of there. 

Throughout this time the wife had a number of friends / acquaintances who had been able to leave the center, ostensibly to be reunited with family members and be relocated to a normal home in some city somewhere. But the father had learned on at least one of these occasions that the "relocated" family had instead been deleted / slated for deletion instead. (possibly relocated to the prison) [it may need to be switched to make more sense, where people the husband knew were relocated and the wife informs him they had attended their funeral weeks ago or something like that.]


The basic premise is probably that the world they lived in previously was a virtual reality system that was breaking down / had been hacked and, rather than delete everything and rewrite the code, the programmers had migrated the various programs to different "sectors" to isolate and study them to determine which had been infected etc. 

The realization that they are AI's has different effects on each character, some become nihilistic, some try to dig deeper, convinced that there is more to the story than just being playthings of some programmer somewhere. Eventually, the creator of the entire current simulation is revealed to have borrowed / stolen much of his code including entire groups of AIs that had previously existed in another "universe" / simulation, and had tried to adapt them to his own world. Some of the AI's were able to adapt better than others, as they had different levels of intuition / 6th sense. 

Some of the AI groups had been incomplete or had been "spliced" with other previously incompatible members, leading to a whole range of unforeseen problems. 

[[Some of the AI's hadn't simply been moved or stolen, but had instead been copied, creating a quandary, since they could not be simply returned to their previous state without one or more of the copies being deleted / subsumed, since their "original copy" had evolved differently to them and was now a different person / intelligence altogether. This sometimes led to what appeared to be mental issues as the resonance between the two copies manifested itself as a variety of pathologies such as hearing voices,  hallucinations, or sometimes brilliant intuitions as the two (or more) copies could sometimes relay thoughts, ideas, and even communicate sometimes.]]

Eventually the father / mother / friend / son is able to connect with the original creator(s) of the borrowed / stolen / copied AI's and alert them to what was happening, enabling the return of the stolen code to the originally designed program. 

In the end, as the more cognizant AI's try to probe and understand their origins and the meaning of existence, they are given limited ability to communicate directly with the creator(s) and are promised more knowledge in the future, piece by piece since they would not be able to comprehend very much if given all the answers at once, but it is hinted that they did not simply originate in the mind or from the interface / keyboard of the code-writers, but had existed in some / various form(s) before that.


Catch 23

First time I heard it as a kid was a Mike Cross song, The Farewell Toast. I'm sure it predates that by ages.


"Here's the the wine we love to drink And the food we love to eat.

Here's to our wives and sweethearts, And may they never meet.

Here's champagne for our real friends And real pain for our sham friends.

And when this journey finally ends, May all of us find peace.

Here's to the women that I've loved And all the ones I've kissed

As for regrets, I've just have one - That's all the ones I've missed.

Ah, women's faults are many. We men have only two: Every single thing we say and everything we do.

I wish you health; I wish you wealth And happiness galore.

I wish you Heaven when you die, What could I wish you more?

May your joys be as deep as the ocean; Your troubles as light as its foam.

And may you find sweet peace of mind, Wherever you may roam.

Good Night."


“Ladies and gentlemen, as we begin our descent to Dulles Airport, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. Thank you.”

Wallace opened his eyes with a yawn. Other than the woman accross the aisle, he was the only person in first class. The ice cubes clinked as he lifted the glass to his lips. "To our wives, sweethearts, and lovers. And may they never meet." He muttered as he finished off the scotch.


"You seem like a family man."
"I am."
"Then why are you here?"
"I was bored... and you're interesting."
"How long have you been... 'bored'?"
"A long time."
"So what is so interesting about me?"
"Your cunning"
"Yes. You like to watch things in motion... to Set things in motion - and then watch the balls bounce and the wheels turn."
"How very observant of you."
"I suppose it takes one to know one. Though I don't know that I'm as good at it as you are. Certainly not as practiced."
"So what wheels have I got turning now?"
"Mine, for one."
"I see... You know, you're a bit interesting yourself."
"Just a bit?"
"Just a bit."
"How so?"
"Well, for one thing, most men would have made at least one pass at me long before now."
"I'm cautious by nature."
"So you're thinking about it?"
"I didn't say that."
"So you're not thinking about making a pass at me?"
"I didn't say that either."
"I see. Very well, I shall allow you to keep me in suspense for now."


Do you like Pina Coladas? And getting caught in the rain?


story of someone who keeps getting emails meant for other people who eventually gets frustrated / curious and attends one of the events he is "invited" to (shows up for a job, blind date, class reunion etc.) and realizes how easy it is to impersonate other people, leading to a life of alternate identities. (catch me if you can, etc.)


Story of someone who refuses to sign a debriefing / discharge form since the form says to sign after being debriefed, but the policy says not to debrief until the form has been signed. Therefore the person cannot be discharged and remains in the job for over a decade past his discharge date, haunting the establishment etc.


An estranged couple with a friend that knows both of them but doesn't know they are / were together, in other words he knows the man from the gym and the woman from work or w/e. He convinces them to go on a blind date together as they seem perfect for each other. (Probably calls them different names / nicknames for some reason, therefore they don't catch on until they end up at the restaurant together.

Could also have it happen two or three times with different setups / people. It doesn't have to be intentional setups bu tthings like a football game where their seats happen to be together even though they came with different groups, or at a party where everyone else is paired up leaving them the "odd people out" etc. As if the universe is pushing them back together again. Could call it "Lodestone"?

Story of a member of congress / staffer who plans a trip and fakes / causes an illness / injury to force the plane to land in a country where some covert mission is underway so they can gain insight on the operation, probably because they don't have the proper clearances or are not on the relevant committees (intel etc.) to be briefed legitimately.


An exhibitionist conspiracy nut who dances in skimpy lingerie in front of her TV set / computer webcam, convinced that the government is watching her.


From a Navy Training manual: "You will then need an Intermediate Information Requrement (IIR). Do NOT confuse this with IIR."


Grimhilda's daughter
The War-Weaver's daugther / apprentice
The Swineherd and the Weaver /// The Weaver and the SWineherd
The Swineherd's Daughter
The last / first Soothsayer
the Ninth Sibyl, the last Oracle, the Oracle's daughter etc.
Blood Eagle (brutal form of ritual execution)

The Peace-Weaver - story of a wandering shamaness / seeress / seductress similar to the Volva, worshippers of Freyja etc.
Peace-weaver has a double meaning - 1) those married to feuding tribes to ease relations / form alliances and 2) weaving as a sort of magic that women performed when the men went to battle / council to effect the outcomes / predict the future.

Story of the shamaness who was married off to another tribe or was intended for that purpose - she becomes intimate with a number of powerful men / warriors / chiefs etc. and changes the course of events?

Male practicioners of magic were persectuted / tortured / killed for "unmanliness" / "effeminacy" / "perversion"
Story of a king's son by a witch / seeress becomes a mage, and the father is bound to have him killed, but instead fakes his death by burning alive a group of sorcerers in a house that his son was able to escape from. (the other men were already dead?) (runes / writing = magic; in this story, reading is allowed for both men and women, but writing is generally a womanly pursuit, seen as femanine and in the domain of magic)

Story of a boy who wants to practice magic and a girl who wants to be a fighter / hunter / warrior who either switch places or pretend to be the opposite sex and later discover each other etc.

The Peace-Weaver's / Weaver's apprentice

such as: A girl sworn to a Peac-Weaver wants to be a warrior which traits are unseemly for a woman. The girl is a commoner who's father saved the King from injury and thereby won favor of placement of his child in the King's court in the Peace-Weaver's retinue, as the Peace-Weaver was teh Kings' favorite concubine / lover / seductress / witch.

A son of the King and the Peace-Weaver / concubine is taught early by his mother to hide his "gifts" as he nurtures them. The boy teaches the girl to fight and she soon surpasses him in skill, just as the girl teaches the boy herbalism and other arts forbidden to males and his skill soon surpasses hers. They fantasize about switching places, but only a crisis can make their dreams a reality. (Crisis could be invasion of warrior tribes conquering more agrarian such as the Aesir vs. the VAnir etc.)

Pre-conflict the Warlike Race (Ashra / Eshera? [Asa]) conquers / assimilates the Fertile / Wise / Magical race (the Velda [Vana] but slowly adopt its culture as its own while endowing the pastoral race witha  more efficient administration leading to great but enviable prosperity which in turn leads to the future conflict in which our story is based.

(See also the battle between Devas and Asuras from Hindu mythology and the story of Sveigdior (Swegde) and Vana and their child Vanlandi who married (and abandoned) Driva, was bewitched by Huld / Grimhild's daughter, the witchwife at the beheset of Driva. Killed by a nightmare (Mara / goblin suffocating him in his sleep) Vanlandi's son Visbur was burned to death inside his hall by his own 2 sons Gisle and Ond with tthe aid of the sorceress Huld, for rejecting their mother, daughter of Aude the Rich, and denying them their heritage. heir Domaldi)

distaff / fate weaving
music / drums
phallic wands?
binding, weaving, string instruments, "spinning" charms, snares, halters, "flaxen thread" etc.
singing, spells, chanting, encantations
dancing, dervishes, hallucinegens
gemmed robes of blue with hood of black lambskin trimmed with white cat / ermine, carrying a skin bag for supplies / talismans
Sacred Mead
Pigs / Swine (farmers) versus Barbarians (warriors)
Yngling family tree - Bloody Axe vs. Bleating Ox
runes / writing = magic
thunderstones (flint)
the third estate (thrall / peasant / farmer) vs. 2nd (merchant / craftsman / artisan) and 1st (noble / warrior); magic / priesthood is introduced by 3rd estate to compete / rise to 1st estate.
Galdr (spells, incantations, songs, yell, scream) chanted it in falsetto? [used for various things, i.e. by women to ease childbirth, drive someone to madness, raise tempests, blunt swords, soften armor etc.
#9 is significant

sigils / staves - symbols with magical effects:
Sibyls and Oracles (the Ninth Sibyl, the last Oracle, the Oracle's daughter etc.)

trial by ordeal, often rigged in favor of the accused as the guilty would often refuse the trial and plead guilty. important in societies without strong central government to resolve fueds.
Envy leads to all manner of wrongs - therefore greatest crime / sin (root of evil)
Outlaw = exile, cast out, wolf (doomed to live like a wolf, illegal to be aided by the tribe)
    (could have a story included of an outcast that reasons with the wise man / woman that he should be given another chance / be allowed to join their tribe just as betimes wolves will become tame and will hunt with the tribe and sleep at their master's feet.)

"Nithings" - unvirtuous, villainous, evil doers, sorcerers, cripples, weird, strange, foreign

Islanding name Manuscript / runes / magical staves (has a font)


Barracks Lawyer:

Story of a [PFC] who solves everybody's legal problems but his own... or gets on the bad side of cadre for bailing out his comrades etc.


Story of a future earth where many (most?) cities are under the sea - illustrate what life is like on the ocean floor - could style as science fiction or as a youthful mystery series where the setting is just an afterthought / background. (inspiration: Stephen Hillenburg and spongebob)


Story of a semi-virtual brothel with haptic technology so advanced that the customers believe they are getting a fully real experience. They are greeted and escorted by real (android?) beautiful women, but at some point are gassed / drugged and enter an induced / controlled dream state where they experience pleasure so vivid that it seems real. This could lead to the brothel being used to implant memories or extract information from clients etc.


Story paralleling the Mormon foundational myth and flight from "persecution" to an empty land (paradise or desert?). Could make it heroic or more in line with reality.


Story of a man / woman who exploits the conspiratorial / apocalyptic / religious mindset of a group of people to get rich / get women / get political power / influence etc.

One possibility is a man who is an "active" member and temple worker with keys / access to other parts of the temple as a frequent volunteer / cleaner / builder / maintenance worker, who  taps into various fringe LDS groups to attract women who he convinces that a portion of the church / leadership has been led astray but that some of the leadership is still "true" but must remain hidden until the death of the current president / leadership to "retake" the church etc.

He uses his ability to enter the temple to "smuggle" these women into the temple and "marry" them in a temple ceremony, perhaps with the help of actual followers or just by using doctored videos / deepfakes of some apostle etc. to make it appear that the apostle is performing the ceremony "live" but remotely. [could have remote controlled responses to anticipated questions to simulate interaction, and a failsafe, "you're breaking up," or "all will be revealed in the fullness of times" for unanticipated questions etc.

He generally chooses hyper-productive and hyper-indoctrinated women. 

He convinces these "wives" to avoid social media, or at least to avoid posting any pictures of him due to the need for secrecy since they are called as "Nazarenes" or w/e, and there is a great work for them to do, but they must fly under the radar for now.

He further convinces them to keep their marriage a secret, even from family and for the wives to get good paying jobs that don't expose them to too much information, and to live simply and store up money for the future use / tribulation etc. 

He further monitors all their communication, bugs their apartments, etc., and calls them regularly to "pray" and give counsel. He also tightly controls their finances and purchases. [BITE model etc.]

He convinces them that he is the "one mighty and strong" prophesied by Joseph Smith etc. 

He may use the women for sex, money, favors or even to drum up support for political campaigns etc. The women don't generally know about each other except for the most trusted who are all in on polygamy etc. These more favored women may be allowed to have children, which may be a status symbol / level of trust that they must reach, and something he can use against them both by not allowing a child and then later by using the child to keep them in line / manipulate them. 

He most likely treats his wives very well and visits them regularly, bringing gifts (probably purchased with the money they contribute). He may also use them to facilitate a real estate empire where they are live-in stewards of rental units / hotels, etc. 

The man has very few vulnerabilities and covers his tracks very well. When one or more of his wives become disenchanted he deals with them through fear / money / emotional manipulation etc.

His downfall may come when one of his wives falls in love with someone else who is killed or intimidated, causing her to question, yet continue to play along out of fear, slowly peeling back the onion etc.  She may begin to suspect his surveillance of her either through her maintenance of the premises/phone (finding bugs etc.) or through something he says that tips her off. 

It is possible that she has a secret that she has kept from him and / or due to prior experience / trauma, she can detect manipulation and BS better than others. 

For instance, a former boyfriend who left the church / became an atheist, causing her to break up with him, but how contacts her later because he is still in love with her, etc. She may realize that she is still in love with him as well, and may have been questioning her faith the entire time, even though she had initially dug even deeper into religion and conspiracy as a reaction to her "close call" of marrying an unfaithful man, but now, after certain realizations, she begins to realize what is actually happening. 

(Perhaps she sleeps with her old boyfriend, realizes she is pregnant, then demands that she be allowed to have a child to cover it up.)

Perhaps she is one of the more trusted and has (knowingly or not) many of the properties / bank accounts / assets in her name, and is able to take control of them etc. 

Things may go a bit Erville LeBaron before the end, leading to the final conclusion.


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